Week 7 Recap

This week wasn’t really busy since Andrei was working at his new job and Brendan was gone for a good portion of the week. Also we’re almost done with the project so there hasn’t been much to work on. This week at the Steward observatory there was a symposium taking place Monday and Tuesday, and on Thursday there was a joint colloquium series for Jay Farihi. His presentation was titled Exoplanetary Archaeology: Observing the Fossil Record of Rocky Planetary Systems. It was on the ‘archaeological’ method that would provide empirical data on the assembly and chemistry of exo-terrestrial planets that is unavailable for any planetary system orbiting a main−sequence star. I haven’t done any major new research but I’ve been focusing on learning future methods that’ll allow astronomers to characterize exoplanets atmosphere and other properties. Today we had a small meeting to discuss the usual Friday topics but many were unable to attend because they were working on their proposals for telescope time. Overall, this week was a little laid back when it came to my research due to all the presentations that happened.

week 7

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